Dear Parents, Carers and Friends of All Saints,
What a strange and unpredictable time we are living in at the moment. With many things being uncertain, it can create some anxiety for adults and children alike. We continue to follow the directions of the Federal and State governments, as well as the directions of Catholic Education SA.
One of the things we know about uncertainty, particularly for children, is that the more you can provide predictability and routine, the safer they will feel. So at the moment that predictability and routine involves going to school each day. The advice we are receiving clearly indicates that schools will remain open. We are continuing lessons as usual.
What have we done at school? Across the school we have made some changes. Our morning greeting no longer includes a circle, although the routine continues in a different format. Tables have been moved apart and each child has their own pencil case of supplies. We have increased the number of handwashing areas and decreased the drink taps. We ask that each child brings their own drink bottle to refill in the classrooms. The children have been learning about the correct way to clean and wash their hands and the importance of this. The cleaning regime across the school includes daily sanitizing of door handles and tables. As you are aware, all excursions, sports competitions and whole school events are cancelled for the foreseeable future. This is the same for our playgroup and Nest Café.
Whilst we understand families are making decisions around their child’s attendance at school currently, we would ask you to understand that teachers are continuing to plan and teach the children who are attending school. We will support you as much as we can with learning options for your child/ren, however we are unable to provide individual learning plans for each child. Please make sure you have made contact with your child’s teacher or the Leadership team member responsible for that year level. We are currently working through options for a Continuation of Learning Plan should schools be asked to close. The continuation of the children’s learning is paramount in our planning. Our plans and activities, and how we will deliver this will be communicated to families as we move forward. The planning for this contingency is occurring whilst classes continue as normal. In the next few weeks there may be information which we require from families in order to enhance our planning.
Today we loved having the children arrive in their orange clothes. We felt it was important to continue our recognition of Bullying No Way day. In classes the teachers reminded children of the definition of bullying, what behaviours create a bullying action, how it makes us feel, what we can do and how to restore relationships. While the day is an important reminder, we actually teach these essential messages continually.
The disappointment of cancelling events is acute, even whilst we understand the importance for the community health. In the coming weeks we hope to organise some intraschool sports to replace sports day and some creative in school excursions.
We are so proud of the children and staff of All Saints Catholic Primary School who have weathered this crazy week courageously, collaboratively, with hard work and humour. As they say ‘watch this space’ as we move forward in these unprecedented times.
Wishing you good health and best wishes,
Liz and staff.